Thursday, May 24, 2012

10 summer fitness ideas!

Good morning, everyone!

Today I want to share with you 10 fun fitness ideas to help you refresh your summer fitness routine! Doing the same work-out routine over and over again may be simplistic and easy, but it is not going to get you, or anyone for that matter, into incredible, bikini-body shape! To increase your level of physical fitness, you must remain fully engaged during your work-outs, be interested in your work-out routine, and activate different levels of your body's fitness (i.e.: endurance, agility, muscle strength, cardiovascular strength, and flexibility). These 10 activities are designed to do just that, and you will have fun doing them too! I encourage all of you to try at least one or two (or more!) of the fitness recommendations that I have listed below, and to incorporate them into your summer routine.

Enjoy! :-)

1) Volleyball

Volleyball is an incredible cardiovascular and full body-toning workout! In particular, Volleyball activates the muscle groups in our upper & lower arms and legs and glutes, utilizing much energy as our body is forced to jolt into fast motion several times from a stopped position. Whether you're good at Volleyball or not, if you have fun with it, play with people you love to hang around with, and actually try and score, playing will be much more fun than hitting the gym and your body will show you the difference! My favorite way to play is in a pool, but playing on the ground with a pop-up net and ball is just as great. In the pool, water acts as a great push of resistance when you're trying to jolt towards to ball, forcing you to engage more muscle groups to reach your target. *It provides for more stimulation during the game as well. ;-) Try it out!

2) (Ultimate) Frisbee

Frisbee is an incredible cardiovascular and full body-toning workout. It activates the muscles in our chest, forearms, wrists, upper and lower legs, and glutes. It also improves agility, endurance, and strength, as most of the activity involves using the muscles in your legs to jolt and run far from a stopped position! I suggest getting a glow-in-the-dark frisbee from your local sporting goods store (get 2 if your family likes to break things, like mine. haha!). Find a decent field that is safe to run around on (no large pot-holes), and you can play with as little as two people!

3) Kickball or soccer

Kickball and/or soccer are great sports for improving endurance, agility, muscular (abs/lower body), and cardiovascular strength! Although kicking around a ball may take some time to get the hang of, it is so much fun once you actually begin to score! You can purchase pop-up goals from your local sporting goods store or build them yourself. I find that this game is best played with 4 or more people, so recruit your family and friends. Remember, you can also practice by yourself! :-)

4) Badminton

This game is one of my favorites. Despite what some may think, you do not have to have incredible hand-eye coordination to play Badminton. Keep your eye on the birdie, hit the rubber portion of the birdie instead of the net, utilize the center of your racket, and practice, practice, practice! This game works all of the same muscle groups as Volleyball, just with less intensity. Feel free to purchase a net if that is how you like to play, or you can just pass the birdie back and forth to your team members (like my family does) without allowing it to hit the ground. In my opinion, this game is best played with 2-4 people. You can also practice by yourself! :-)

5) Tennis

Tennis is very similar to Badminton, but requires more arm strength. It is an excellent cardiovascular and full body-toning workout that strengthens the muscles in your chest, upper & lower legs, and arms. It also increases agility, and hand-eye coordination, and endurance! The object is to use your racket to spike the ball over the net and onto the floor of your opponents playing ground without them hitting it in return. You can find a tennis court near your house, or set up a net that you can purchase at your local sporting goods store. Prop it up low to the ground on any concrete surface that is safe to play on, and have fun with it!  :-)

6) Laps in a pool

This is one of the easiest cardio and full body-toning workouts! Swimming laps in a pool, or just swimming in general, requires all of your muscles to engage in order to move against the resistance of water. It is great for strengthening your heart, burning fat, and building lean muscle- but make sure you swim on an empty stomach if you want to avoid getting sick! ;-) Try doing laps in your own pool, a lake, or a neighborhood pool, and you will feel the pounding in your chest. There's nothing quite like it! :-)

7) Hiking

Hiking is one of the most fun, muscle-building workouts if you choose your terrain wisely! I recommend sticking to trails with a lot of incline, dips, rocks, and streams to pass over in order to get to the other side. You can make it even more fun by packing goodies in a backpack to have picnic halfway! Bring a few friends along with you, an Ipod with speakers, a few hydrating drinks, and make an adventure out of it!

8) Yoga

Yoga is one of my personal favorites! :-) Now when I first started yoga, I thought, "Why in the world would anyone waste their precious workout time stretching?" Boy, was I wrong. Yoga is one of the best mind-enhancing, body toning, and lean muscle-building activities that a person can do! Have you ever wondered how some 55+ year olds can bend down to the ground completely, while others complain that they can't even tie their shoes? Or why some 60 year olds can play games like a rigorous match of tennis, while others complain that they're "too old" for that kind of stuff? Joint, tendon, and muscle flexibility is what sets them apart! If you want to have agility, athleticism, and movement when your older, yoga is a must!

9) Biking

Biking is a great family activity, and a wonderful leg workout! :-) Find a place near your home that has already-created bike trails, or you can make a route of your own! I like to ride up medium-sized hills in the development where I live, and take my breaks on my way down. Do this a few times a week and say hello to toned, bikini-ready (or speedo-ready ;-) ) legs!

10) Basketball

Basketball is an intense cardiovascular and body-toning workout akin to activities such as Volleyball or Soccer. The struggle is in maintaining the ball until you reach the end of the court where you are intending to score, without your opponent(s) retrieving it. It is an excellent workout for toning the upper and lower leg and arm muscles, your abs, glutes, and upper back muscles (basically your entire body!). Haha. Did I mention it is also a lot of fun? Try it out! :-)

Have a great day!

Xo -Jess

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