Saturday, March 31, 2012

HAPPINESS and a few of my faaavorite things! :-)

Good afternoon, lovliesss!

Today I want to talk about happiness! While discussing such a wonderful subject, I figured, why not also share some things with you that make me happy. Hopefully this post will inspire some of you to question and engage more in the things that YOU love, and to focus more on the things that bring you genuine happiness! :-)

I have always been a strong believer in following dreams and seeing the positive side of every situation. We have all heard the expression: "Is the glass half full or half empty?" before, I am sure. Well, I am here to assure you that your right to choose which way you look at your own life still EXISTS! Ask yourself today: Is what you are doing in your life right now bringing you closer to where you want to be in the next five to ten years? If so, make sure that you are genuinely enjoying your journey while you are going through it! If not, remember that your situation is only temporary. Every moment and phase that happens in our lives is there for a reason, and will ultimately bring us closer to where we are supposed to be! If you do not know, start setting some goals for yourself today! :-)
As a general rule of thumb, I have found that it is important to live life like you will die tomorrow, but plan in your life like you will live forever. This is what we call life at its fullest. It is too easy to get caught up and to blame our responsibilities for making us forget to "stop and smell the roses". Make that extra time right now, and recognize the positives in your life today. Remember that happiness does not come when all in life is perfect, it comes when we accept our imperfect lives perfectly.

Here you go!:

1) Learning.

One thing that I have always loved unconditionally, is to LEARN! Since I have been little, I have always had a curious mind about the world. I could ponder and think in my head for hours and days about all of the complexity around me. I do not think I have ever seen the world simplistically. Haha! I have come to think of myself over the years as somewhat of a sponge. My brain is by no means an information snob. All information is observed and absorbed, good and bad. Only afterwords does my brain distinguish what is valid to keep. Sometimes this can be overwhelming, and at other times it can be a blessing. Overall, I have come to accept what I have been given, and have found out that learning is my passion in life. Figuring this out and embracing it has brought me a lot of genuine happiness in life! What is the "flame" underneath you that drives you to succeed?

2) Improving.

I am borderline obsessed with self-improvement (probably as much, if not more than learning)! Haha! If there is no growth and improvement going on in my life, things are probably not okay for me. Stagnant is not a place that my body or mind likes to be in. For this reason, I tend to always have new projects going. Doing and/or engaging in new projects brings me a lot of happiness because it keeps me busy, stimulated, and focused on things that give me purpose. Having different outlets to release built up tension, thoughts, and my scientific and creative sides has been therapeutic for me. Overactive mind, anyone?! Anyways, I suggest for all of you (if you are not already doing so :-) ) to start turning the positive and motivating thoughts that you have into action as much as possible! There is no self-esteem and empowering feeling greater in life than making the positive things in your own life happen for you! :-)

3) Working!

I love to work on things! Wait a minute...should we call it work if I like to do it?! I don't know. Whatever it may be, and whether it is in my personal life, school, volunteer work, or something that I get paid for, working brings me a lot of happiness! For those of you who may be somewhat lost in your lives, I suggest finding something that you enjoy and working on/towards it! That outlet could be a job, volunteering, tutoring at your college campus, art, or even being a better parent, husband/wife, girlfriend/boyfriend, child, brother/sister, or friend! :-) Finding something to devote your time to is more fulfilling than you could ever imagine- do not take it for granted! :-)

4) The sciences!


For those of you who do not already know, I am a student in my junior year of college currently working towards a baccalaureate degree in Biochemistry. The chemistry of the human body has always been a prominent fascination in my life! For many years now I have been learning about the chemistry and biology of human life (and other forms of life :-) ) on my own free time, and while I am in school. It is an outlet of endless fascination to me. I do not think that there will ever be a point where I will "know it all", which is just what I love about my field the MOST! What could be a better career than to never stop learning and growing forever! Haha! If you have not found your passion in life yet, I advise you to sit down and ask yourself what you like to do during your free time the most. This or these activities are your PASSION! A lot of people tell me that they cannot do what they love because they cannot make money doing it. I cannot stress this enough: Do not choose your career over money!!!!!!! The people who make the most money in  this world and are happy with what they do barely THINK about making money! They do what they do well because they care about it, believe in it, and it matters to them- the money naturally flows to them in return! Whatever you choose to do for a living should matter to you too. We can always find several ways to make more money, but we cannot put a price tag on finding/devoting ourselves to our true passion and enjoying genuine happiness! Invest time in finding out who the true "you" is, and what makes you tick. You will find that life will become a lot easier for you, and the "money" will come to you. :-)

5)  Relationships.

I love building relationships! If I could have chosen two careers, my second one would have been psychology. I love to listen to and understand people. This self-created version of building relationships (haha) that I have made has given me a lot of happiness and fulfillment in life. I always here people say, "I just don't understand some people!". Well sure, that is an easy way to look at things. However, it is much more productive to put effort into understanding other people and to see things from perspectives different from our own. This will open up our minds to things we never knew about the world, people, and ourselves!

I have always been fascinated by hearing each person's "story" that has come into my life, and I suggest trying this out in your own! It is important to treat everyone equal and offer them the chance to speak, be heard, and be cared about. This type of treatment, in my opinion, can make almost any individual blossom in life. If you have not already done this, make it your new job to refrain from judging people. :-) Realize that every individual is a person just like you. They have thoughts, feelings, desires, a need feel acceptance, and a story just like you do. These are all natural human qualities. You might be surprised to find out why some people think, act, and say the things that they do- in both good ways and bad. The take home message  here: Never judge a book by its cover!

6) This blog!

Could I be anymore cliche? Haha! But no, seriously. Writing on this blog, and/or just writing in general brings me a lot of happiness! Besides, what is the point of life if I plan on keeping all of my information, thoughts, and experiences just to myself?! Anyways, I have come to realize that humans are a social species, and our lives are meant to be shared with one another. Hence, the existence of networks such as Facebook, or gatherings such as High School Reunions, parties, or classroom settings...etc. This world is not set up for or meant for humans to be spending their lives alone!


I don't know, anymore...


Anyways... What good things are you thankful for in your own life? What is your passion? What makes you tick?!

Hope this gets everyone thinking!

Xo -Jess

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