Friday, March 23, 2012

No-bake healthy chocolate fudge!

 Good morning, everyone!

Today I wanted to share with you one of my easiest, healthy dessert recipes to help you satisfy that sweet tooth! As much as we all would like to say we never have cravings- we all know we have had at least one, two, or TOO MANY moments where we would kill for some chocolate or chips! I am sharing this recipe with you to let you know that you CAN have chocolate & dessert sometimes, you just need to keep it in moderation, stick to your healthy eating/nutrition plan, and monitor what ingredients are being consumed!

This recipe is fast, easy, and can be made with only 5 ingredients and in under 10 minutes!

Enjoy! :-)

  • 1 c. organic coconut oil
  • 1 c. agave nectar, honey, or brown rice syrup
  • 1 c. unsweetened coconut (if you can't find unsweetened, use sweetened and cut your sugar down to 3/4c.! :-) )
  • 1/2 c. cocoa powder
  • 1 c. almonds (crushed in a Ziploc bag with a mallet!)

* You can also be creative and add peanut butter in place of some of the coconut oil, add some dark chocolate chips to the batter, replace the cocoa powder with raw cocao powder for a richer & deeper chocolate taste, or you can top your fudge with some of the shredded coconut! Also feel free to turn these into fudge balls instead of fudge squares if you wish! :-)


1) Combine all ingredients in a large mixing bowl & stir until blended!
2) Pour mixture into a pie dish or any dish you have available in your kitchen that will fit the mixture & allow it to be cut up into squares!
3) Let it cool in your fridge for 1 hour or until solid, and then cut into squares.

Some facts!:
  • Organic coconut oil aids in weight loss (speeds up our metabolism by providing quick burning fat), immunity, digestion, and protects our skin, hair, and nails when applied topically!
  • Unsweetened coconut provides our bodies with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes!
  • Unsweetened cocoa powder provides our bodies with fiber, minerals, iron, and plant flavanoids that are good for our heart!
  • & Almonds provide our bodies with fiber, protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals!


Have a great day everyone!

Xo -Jess

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